
Showing posts from June, 2023

Summary and Suggestions

 Summary, Suggestions and Reflection as a SEA Teacher Student Exchange Participant Te aching  away from the comfort zone is a life-changing, enriching, and one-of-a-kind opportunity for personal and professional development. The most important aspects that I realized as an exchange  student are summarized below: Cultural blending: Teachers should immerse themselves in a new culture, language, and way of life by teaching in another place. It gives them a chance to learn about different cultures, ways of doing things, and points of view, making them more aware of other cultures and the world around them. Communication across cultures: Teaching in another country necessitates overcoming language barriers and adjusting to various communication styles. It challenges us to improve their intercultural competence, develop effective communication strategies, and foster mutual understanding among students and colleagues. Inclusion and diversity: Working with a variety of student  from a varie

My Teaching Experience on Future Primary School

My Teaching Experience on  Future Primary Schoo As an SEA Teacher Student Exchange Program Participant in Vietnam, we are expected to have a Demonstration Teaching. This is my reflection  after my demonstration teaching.  Diverse Cultures: Vietnam is a diverse nation with an extensive cultural legacy. Engaging with students from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities is hard as well as fulfilling. As their teacher I ensure that I gave significance in embracing social variety and integrating nearby practices and customs into the homeroom, encouraging inclusivity and understanding among my students. Regard for Teachers: Students, and members of the community frequently shows their admiration and respect on us. We as a teachers are regarded as influential figures in shaping the young minds and there is a strong belief in the value of education. I feel a sense of responsibility to uphold high standards of professionalism and provide high-quality education as a result of this respect. Pr

Observation to my Cooperating Teacher

 My Observation to my Cooperating Teacher in Future Primary School This is my Cooperating Teacher on Future Primary School, Ms. Lu Anh. She is teaching Grade 6, 7 and 8 students in their subject Geography.       Teachers of geography in Vietnam may use a variety of approaches to class management, planning, teaching, and evaluation depending on their personal preferences and the requirements of their schools. However, the following is what do I observe during the class of Ms. Anh: Planning: Establish learning goals: The Learning objectives that are in line with the curriculum and educational standards are clearly established by the Ms. Anh before the class. Plan your lessons: To engage students in learning, Ms. Anh plans lessons that incorporate a variety of teaching methods and activities. Lectures, discussions, group projects, multimedia presentations, or both may be included. Accumulate resources: To support the lesson's content, Ms. Anh gathers appropriate resources like text

Observation to Future Primary School on their Pedagogical Contents

 My Future Primary School Observation Future Primary School is an innovative educational institution that aims to provide a modern and forward-thinking learning environment for its students. The following is my observation to Future Primary School: Curriculum: Future School Primary School offers a comprehensive curriculum that goes beyond traditional subjects. The curriculum is designed to develop students' cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities. It incorporates a combination of core subjects, such as mathematics, science, languages, and humanities. Inquiry-Based Learning: The school emphasizes inquiry-based learning, which encourages students to explore, question, and discover knowledge independently. Through hands-on activities, projects, and investigations, students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a thirst for knowledge. Inquiry-based learning fosters curiosity, creativity, and a deeper understanding of concepts. Technology Integra

Introduction to Future Primary School

 The Future Primary School VISION For every individual, education is the foundation for personal and talent development. For a society, education is the measure of development and the driving force for progress.      In any society, in any era, education always plays a crucial role as the key factor and the driving force behind economic and social development. Among many social stories, perhaps there is no story that receives more attention from people of all ages, from young to old, from professionals to non-professionals, than education.      School of the Future, as its name suggests, embodies the aspirations of everyone here for the future. With the intention of fundamentally changing the way we prepare children for life, for the first time, a comprehensive school from kindergarten to high school is present in Dong Thap with the involvement and expectations of everyone, both nationally and internationally. All preparations regarding human resources, infrastructure, organizati

Observation to Dong Thap University in General and their Academic Administration

 My Observation to Dong Thap University In photos: Dong Thap University heads, SEA Teacher student Exchange participants from Capiz State University and Iloilo State University together with our Supervisors and Buddies.  T he reputable Dong Thap University can be found in Vietnam's Dong Thap Province. Observations regarding Dong Thap University include: Facilities and Campus: The spacious and well-maintained campus of Dong Thap University makes for an ideal learning environment. Classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and sports facilities are among the university's modern facilities. Students can expect a comprehensive academic experience thanks to these facilities. Programs for Education: Dong Thap University has a number of academic programs for students interested in a variety of fields. The university offers bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering, agriculture, education, economics, and social sciences. The programs are made to meet the needs of the business w